Showing posts with label PRAYERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRAYERS. Show all posts

Prayer to St. Arnold

Loving God, you called Arnold to follow your Son, the Divine Word, in proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples. Burning with love for him and filled with his Spirit, he dedicated himself totally to the spreading of your Kingdom of peace and love.
Therefore, with confidence we pray:
St. Arnold, implore for us a burning love for Christ and a dedication to the missionary calling of the Church.
Guide us to build families and communities where justice, compassion and equality are lived.
Help us to stretch our hearts to embrace all peoples of our one world.
May the Light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace transform our world and free our hearts so that we become fully alive with Jesus’ Spirit.

(With permission, Society of the Divine Word, Via dei Verbiti, 1-00154 Rome)

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Prayer for the Missions and Missionaries

We beg you to watch over your missionaries who have left all things to bear witness to your gospel and to your love. Be their “mighty shield and strong support, their shelter from the heat, a shade from the noonday sun, a guard stumbling, a help against falling.” (Sir. 34:16)

Guide and enlighten them by your Word and example. Lift up their hearts in the face of trouble and danger. O Lord, grant that wherever they go, the image of Your crucifixion may go with them, that in times of danger and difficulty they may learn from it a true meaning of sacrifice. Let them find strength and consolation in it, in their weakness. Through it, let them find light and firmness of spirit in every crisis of their apostolate. Since they do not seek earthly honors and comforts, grant their labors the fruits which they ardently desire, namely the power to save all people and to lead them to you, who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Finally, Lord, increase the number of their flock. Lead them to praise and thank You who have redeemed them and who wish to bring them to their eternal reward. Amen.

(With permission, Society of the Divine Word, Via dei Verbiti, 1-00154 Rome)

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Prayer to Saint Josef Freinademetz

Loving God, you revealed your love to Josef Freinademetz through the life and death of your Son, Jesus. Josef was deeply touched by Jesus laying down his life on the cross that we might have life with you. Filled with the Spirit of Jesus, Josef also gave his life that others may know your love and live as brothers and sisters of one Father.
Therefore with confidence we pray:
St. Josef, implore for us a listening and loving heart.
Like you may we courageously hear and answer the call of the Lord in our lives.
Help us to learn to lovingly give our lives in service of our brothers and sisters of all social, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
May we truly appreciate the diversity of our human family and celebrate this abundance of life we share in God.

(With permission, Society of the Divine Word, Via dei Verbiti, 1-00154 Rome)

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